Planned Obsolescence- What a load of rubbish!

Educational, very amusing and very very infuriating. Perfect watching for a midweek lunch break, then!

This video is a timely reminder outlining the pressing need for a change in the engineering of 21st century consumerism and our throw-away culture. (Credit goes to Australian TV show The Checkout.)

EMERGE provides environmental education and advice on resource management, waste composition and sustainable procurement issues. Our business services include everything from recycling collections to confidential document shredding.  

We are now working in partnership with Cooler Projects to deliver carbon literacy training for businesses across Greater Manchester.  For more info see or speak to Liz Lauder on 0161 223 8200 to book your places. 

Visit our new pop-up shop in Manchester city centre! Promoting the 3Rs of waste reduction, reuse and recyling, we are selling goodies and local arts and crafts with a 'Made in Manchester' theme.  Find us at Brazennose House West, Brazennose St, M2 5AS. Opening hours are usually 12-5pm Wed-Sat but are subject to change. Please contact for more info.


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