Flights for Lights?


I'm sure many of you will have seen the recent post on the Guardian's Ethical Living blog, for those that haven't here is a picture of the latest stroke of genius to emerge from Tesco:

That's right, it's not a misprint, if you buy environmentally friendly light bulbs, Tesco will allow you to convert your clubcard points into air miles!!!

This is a disturbing example of a society which thinks that offsetting is a viable alternative to making real changes to lifestyle. How can anyone reason that the amount of energy reduced by installing low energy bulbs will ever equate to the massive amount of carbon generated by passenger flights?

I think that businesses like Tesco should set a better example to their customers, by not allowing them excuses for producing unnecessary carbon. Tesco and other supermarkets have made significant improvements recently i.e. their campaigns to minimise easter egg packaging and plastic bag usage & let's hope that they continue in that vein, making significant steps in waste minimisation by not offering customers the easy option/opt out.

Onwards & upwards!


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